Breast Cancer and Hormone Therapy: What You Should Know
- Post On : 11 Dec ,2024
Did you know that around 70 % of breast cancers are diagnosed after the age of forty, and about 20 % in women aged 70 or above? This clearly means that early detection through breast screening can save the lives of survivors. Diagnosed women can…
Tips to Reduce the Risk of Breast Cancer
- Post On : 29 Jul ,2024
Breast cancer is one of those adversaries that is affecting millions of women around the world. In fact, in some places, it is the number one cancer diagnosed among females. Individuals aged 40 or older have a high chance of developing breast cancer, which is…
What are the Warning Signs of Breast Cancer?
- Post On : 01 Jul ,2024
Did you know one in eight women in Queensland diagnose with breast cancer by the age of 75? Experts believe that age is one of the major risk factors and menopause is the key reasons behind the development of breast cancer. However you can’t deny…